Portman Realizes Assaults After Years Working In Hollywood

Natalie Portman has spent decades in Hollywood, but when news of the sexual assault scandals hit, she first felt “lucky” because she thought she managed to escape unscathed.

“And then, on reflection, I was like, okay, definitely never been assaulted, definitely not, but I’ve had discrimination or harassment on almost everything I’ve ever worked on in some way,” the actress explains. “I went from thinking I don’t have a story to thinking, Oh wait, I have 100 stories. And I think a lot of people are having these reckonings with themselves, of things that we just took for granted as like, this is part of the process.”

Portman also has experienced almost entirely all-male sets. Now, she thinks that was intentional. “The surprising thing is it almost feels strategic to keep you away from other women, because you don’t have the opportunity to share stories,” the actress says. “It prevents mentorship of women by other women because you’re just not exposed to it. You have to work hard to find and actually connect to people doing the same thing because we’re often that one seat at the table.”

Source: Vulture