It is quite inevitable, but I wish Kroger would stay open.  There was a calm of Kroger opposed to the other big grocery stores in town.  It still had the old fashion grocery store feel; donuts that were fresh (not boxes of three dozen), they still have several actual cashier lines, and Kroger brand is very quality, and they have a real meat and produce department.

There are other options for my meat and donuts, but the old fashion grocery store feel is quickly fading due to the thousands of cookie cutter, stuff the aisle full, low price/poor quality hogwash.  Now I do shop at Meijer when I have a big list, maybe I am part of the problem, but it didn’t seem that Kroger was all that slow every time I was in there.

What worries me more are the poor grocery options of those in small towns, where will they get fresh meat and produce without going to a big store where you have to pay top dollar for anything quality or organic because it was flown around the world in some cases.

So can I change things…Probably not, but I can at least complain about Kroger closing; and so can you write them a scathing note just like I did by following the link below!