Buck 92 & GI Tech Center “Student of the Month!” (20-21)





Buck 92.3/AM 830 WMMI & My1043 and the Gratiot Isabella Technical Education Center are proud to honor a student of the month, each and every month throughout the 2020/2021 school year!

Buck 92.3/AM 830 would like to thank the Gratiot Isabella Technical Education Center for their support this past school year and their investments into students who continually go above and beyond in the classroom, at school, and in our communities!  All “Student of the Month “recipients this past year each receive a nice price package from our local business supporters, such as: Krapohl Ford & LincolnBill’s Custom Fab, JNR Engraving & Buck 92!


Haiden Onstott- Beal City

Haiden is an outstanding junior who demonstrates leadership, commitment, critical thinking skills, compassion, and initiative both in and outside of the classroom. Academically, Haiden is a top student in our Health Science course. She actively participates in class discussions and clinical skills activities. She is often the first student to raise a question when learning new material and to offer input during patient assessment scenarios. Her critical thinking skills and natural ability to assess a patient from both a subjective and objective aspect will make Haiden a valuable asset to her patients and healthcare teams.

Haiden is the 2020-2021 President of GI-TEC’s Region X Healthcare Professional Student Organization. She was voted into this leadership position by her peers and she has met her responsibilities with unwavering commitment, enthusiasm, and creativity. When Haiden learned that the Isabella County Commission on Aging Foster Grandparent participants were unable to return to work in area elementary programs due to Covid-19, she pioneered a program pairing COA Foster Grandparent participants with GI-TEC Health Science Occupations students, who then adopted each other as pen pals. Each week, our students compose hand-written letters for their adopted pen pal, in the following week, the pen pal returns the communication. Both COA and GI-TEC participants of the program have benefitted from the ongoing weekly connections as it supports both the social and emotional needs for both populations. While overseeing the program, Haiden has demonstrated outstanding organizational skills, work ethic, exceptional character, and compassion.

In addition to her academic and leadership successes, Haiden also participates in multiple extracurricular activities such as varsity volleyball, track & field, National Honor Society and student council. She assists with volunteer services and community outreach efforts including meal delivery to the elderly, Christmas Outreach, tutoring, and mentoring at Youth Camps. After high school, Haiden plans to attend college and pursue a career as a pediatric oncologist.


Mario Hansen- Mt. Pleasant

It is impossible to be in a bad mood with Mario around. He is the epitome of what I like to see in a Business Management student–very creative, great attitude, positive demeanor and hard working.  He is such a positive young man with a ton of charisma and exudes genuine happiness. Mario has a strong desire to succeed and a great aptitude for business.  His work ethic is unquestionable, as he is the first one to get his work done and generally works ahead whenever possible.

Recently Mario took the lead on a calendar project.  He worked with every other student in our class and was kind, compassionate, and a very strong leader.  Students look up to Mario and respect him greatly.  He is incredibly responsible and the project would not have been a success without his leadership, drive, and hard work!

Mario is going to be a Timberwolf at Northwood University next year!  He plans to study sports management with a future goal of eventually working for a professional sports team–his top pick would be the Lions!

Nominating Teacher: Mindy Wischmeyer- Business Management


Breanna Onstott- Beal City

In her first year as a Marketing student, Breanna (Brea) has made significant contributions to the program.  In addition to her involvement with the Marketing program, she is a member of Business Professionals of America which is the premier Career and Technical Student Organization for students pursuing careers in business management, office administration, information technology and other related career fields.

As a testament to her strong skill set, she was selected for The School Store Management Team. Brea worked directly with school administration as the management team developed a reopening plan for The School Store that complies with the new health and safety requirements. Brea also competed in the BPA Region 8 Competition, placing 1st in the Entrepreneurship Competition, 1st in Digital Marketing Concepts, and 1st as a member of the Presentation Management Team. She will move on to compete in the BPA State Competition in March. She has contributed many hours to assist in the coordination of Marketing and BPA events.  While this commitment is time consuming, she has managed to fulfill her responsibilities as well as continue to manage all of the other groups and activities she has committed her time and talents to.

Brea maintains a GPA of 4.0 and has received a variety of academic accolades.

The most significant quality about Brea is that she conducts herself, in all of her interactions, far beyond her years.  She is proactive with her responsibilities and is willing to assist with the workload of others when assistance is needed.  She is self-directed, sees what needs to be done and completes the work, never looking for recognition.  Brea is a respectful, effective, and a positive leader that we are fortunate to have as part of our Marketing program and BPA Chapter!

Nominating Teacher: Debb Leasher- Marketing


Bennett Cox- Mt. Pleasant

Bennett Cox has been in Digital Media for over three years and has tremendous ability in the area of video production.  He has the capacity to not only manage projects but also to creatively develop them.  He possesses an unbelievable work ethic and an ability to communicate to a wide spectrum of individuals.  He is a role model for his peers.

Bennett has produced a variety of multimedia projects that have been displayed for school, community and business purposes.  His skills have been shown off for the past year as he has been working as a Co-op at MAC TV.  In this position he produces promotional videos that are then broadcast on their television network and social media outlets.  Bennett has demonstrated that he is extremely responsible, task oriented and creatively gifted.

In addition to Bennett’s academic workload, he has participated in a number of extra-curricular activities (MPHS Varsity Tennis Captain, MAC TV Co-op and Business Professionals of America).  Bennett has handled his responsibilities with class, dignity and diligence.  He is a student that has a high amount of drive, character and technical abilities.

Bennett Cox is a model student for the Digital Media class and the “Student of the Month” honor.

Nominating Teacher: Pat Onstott- Digital Media


Hannah Miller- Alma

Hannah Miller is a pleasure to have in my class, both online and face to face.  She is filled with determination and not afraid to get things done.  She sets out to achieve whatever task has been put before her.  In fact, she is the ultimate high achiever when it comes to work and goals, always striving to be creative while also maintaining a deadline. Hannah is the perfect role model of what a student of the month should look like for construction trades. She is more than willing to help her peers and create new things. She performs well in this non-traditional work force area.

Outside of her CTE class, Hannah participates in cheerleading, tennis, band, and the National Honor Society. She hopes to pursue a degree in architecture after high school. When asked why she chose construction, Hannah had this to say, “I wanted to prove that girls can do as much as guys can, and I love working with tools. In choosing construction, I can use the skills I learn here to help me with my future goals of creating new pieces of art and structures. In pushing myself, everyday goals become that much easier.”

Overall, Hannah is a well-rounded student who shows just how much you can do when you set your mind to it. Whether it is academics, extracurricular activities, or her personal life, Hannah is always set on creating and persevering through every task before her. She is very deserving of a GI-TEC Student of the Month nomination.

Nominating Teacher: Darvin Powell- Construction Trades



Phoebe DeFeyter- Mt. Pleasant

Phoebe DeFeyter is a senior at Mt. Pleasant High School and is a Marketing student at GI TEC. Phoebe has experienced significant personal growth over the past three years and blossomed into an incredible leader, mentor and role model. She is a fourth-year member of Business Professionals of America which is the premier Career and Technical Student Organization for students pursuing careers in marketing, accounting, business management, office administration, information technology and other related career fields. As a testament to her strong skill set, she was re-elected to the 2020-2021 GI-TEC BPA Chapter executive officer team as President. She has contributed countless hours to assist in coordinating Marketing and BPA events. Most recently, she assisted in the coordination of the GI TEC-Mt. Pleasant Chapter’s member registration. There were many issues throughout this process given the current challenges our society is experiencing, Phoebe stepped up to assist with every aspect of the process. She has successfully competed and placed in individual and team events at the regional, state and National BPA Leadership Conferences. Phoebe invests countless hours in preparation for her events and is a mentor to fellow members, as well.

Phoebe also plays a leadership role with MPHS Student Senate. In addition to all the above-mentioned activities Phoebe maintains a GPA of 4.19 (4.0 scale weighted). Though her BPA commitment is time consuming, she has managed to fulfill her responsibilities as well as continue to manage the other groups and activities that she has committed her time and talents.

Finally, the most significant qualities that Phoebe possesses is her ability to masterfully organize, her unrelenting work ethic, positive attitude, and genuine character. She is proactive with her responsibilities and is always willing to assist with the workload of others. She is self-directed, sees what needs to be done and completes the work efficiently. Phoebe is a respected, effective, mature and a positive leader that we are fortunate to have as part of our Marketing program and BPA Chapter!

I highly recommend Phoebe DeFeyter for the My 104.3 GI-TEC Student of the Month!

Nominating Teacher: Debb Leasher- Marketing


Drew Sharrar – Mt. Pleasant High School 

Drew has been in Digital Media for over three years and has excelled in the area of multimedia design and production. He is a tremendously talented producer of promotional materials (audio/video, graphic design, etc.). He possesses masterly level technical design skills and interpersonal communication.

Drew is a leader amongst his peers. He is extremely responsible, creative and organized. He has created a number of multimedia projects that have been used for school, community and business purposes. His skills have been witnessed for the past two years as he has been fulfilling responsibilities as a GI-TEC Web Co-op. In this position he produces daily web content, promo videos and designs. If there is a task that needs to be done, Drew can handle it.

As talented as Drew is as a multimedia designer, he is even more impressive as a student. He possesses a tremendous amount of character, integrity and trustworthiness. He is a positive, dependable and driven individual. He emulates the characteristics of a model student and citizen.

In addition to his academic workload, Drew has participated in a number of extra-curricular activities (MPHS Cross Country Co-Captain, School Broadcasting Program, GI-TEC Co-op, MPHS Baseball, National Honor Society, Business Professionals of America, Campus Life and various volunteering activities).

Drew Sharrar is a perfect example of what the “Student of the Month” should be.

Nominating Teacher: Pat Onstott- Digital Media


Logan Loya- Mt. Pleasant High School

Logan Loya has been in Business Management for three years and has held a variety of positions. I cannot think of a more deserving student than Logan.

He has shown incredible responsibility, he is very organized, and the hardest working student in the room. He has taken on projects that impact tons of people and in doing so, has shown how unselfish he is. Logan is going to be successful no matter what field he goes into.

He is a leader, having held various positions within student senate. As such, he has become a role model for other students who do not hesitate to approach him for help or any assistance.

Logan has a strong desire to lead. He is absolutely comfortable taking the reins when necessary, but is just as confident allowing others to shine. Logan brings out the best in his peers. His sweet demeanor, warm personality and wicked sense of humor make him an absolute joy to work with.

Logan’s enthusiasm for dedicating his time to others is inspiring. Logan is the first one to volunteer, the last one to leave an event or project and never the person complaining about what has to get done. He is the ultimate role model. He gives of himself 110% unconditionally. To say he is a team player is a gross understatement. He has dedicated himself to the Mt. Pleasant community and school for as long as I have known him in so many capacities.

Logan is the epitome of what a student of the month looks like. He is beyond deserving.

Nominating Teacher: Mindy Wischmeyer- Business Mangement