Ospreys Are Making A Comeback and Tracking Them Is Needed
Michigan officials are looking for volunteers to keep track of ospreys in the state. The large, fish-eating birds declined in the 1960s because of damage from the now-banned pesticide DDT. However they are making a comeback...
Governor Gretchen Whitmer Ordering Audit After Hearing About Mandatory Medical Fees
Michigan’s mandatory fee to cover unlimited medical benefits for injured drivers is rising even higher. That fee will jump from $192 to $220 a year. The Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association says the hike is...
Cyber-Bullying Now Considered Bigger Offense In Michigan
Michiganders accused of cyber-bullying can now be charged with a crime due to a new law that went into effect on March 27. According to the bill, if you are convicted of harassing others...
U.S. Education Department Proposes $18 Million Cut From Special Olympics
With cuts being proposed to the Special Olympics program, Special Olympics Michigan says it will still go on if it does go into effect. Senior Director of Marketing Aaron Mills told TV 9and 10...
DNR Issues Michigan High Fire Rating
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources has issued high, or very high fire ratings for much of Mid-Michigan. That means no burning! All of Arenac, Bay, Isabella, and Midland counties are included in a burning ban.
People Lose Their Job As Mt. Pleasant Kroger Closes
81 people will lose their jobs at the Mt Pleasant Kroger. Kroger announced it will close May 25. The company says they made the decision for financial reasons and will work with the workers union to...
Michigan Minimum Wage On The Rise
Michigan's minimum wage is rising by 20 cents an hour effective this Friday. The wage increase will go from $9.25 to $9.45 an hour. An employer may continue to pay minors, 16 and 17...
Mid-Michigan Woman Save Lives By Donating Organs
A Mid-Michigan woman's organs have been donated and distributed to people in need after she passed away after a crash in February. Corrin Linkowski's organs, through the "Gift of Life" Michigan were given to...
Governor Whitmer Urges People To Take Part In The Statewide Tornado Drill
Statewide tornado drill testing will take place today at 1pm. The testing comes as we enter into tornado & severe weather season. At 1pm, the radio station will sound the emergency alert system tones,...
Drunk Driving Level In Michigan Could Drop On Next Bill
Michigan could lower drunk driving level to 0.05 under proposed bill. Michigan would be one of two states in the country with a drunk driving threshold of less than .08 blood alcohol concentration. Another...