Dog Brings Human Bone Home
A dog brought home a human female bone on Friday morning near Harrison. A resident on Timberland Road just east of Old County Farm Road called 911 on Friday to report the bone, which...
Amish Family Injuried In Clare County Accident
A 38-year-old Amish man and five children were injured on Saturday after an SUV rear-ended their horse-drawn wagon on Surrey Road in Clare County. Injuries ranged from a few scrapes to possible fractures and...
Results Coming Soon for Isabella County Feasibility Study
Isabella County commissioners expect to hear the final results of a feasibility and renovation study of the county building, trial court, sheriff’s department and jail next month. The commissioners received a snapshot of the...
Shepherd Schools Granted Approval To Start Before Labor Day
The state of Michigan granted Shepherd Public Schools permission to start school before Labor Day. Shepherd announced the start date in a letter sent out to parents on June 6th. The decision helps with...
First Public School Monument Rededicated in Shepherd
The Isabella Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution hosted a re-dedication of the monument commemorating the First Public School of Isabella County. The event took place Saturday at Salt River Park in...
CMU And MMCC Partner To Help Transfer Students
Central Michigan University and Mid Michigan Community College have partnered to launch the Chippewa Achieve Program. The program will provide additional support and services, like custom advising services and academic support, to ensure the...
Schilling To Leave President Position At MMI
Alan Schilling, who’s been with Mid Michigan Industries for 37 years, is retiring as president on Oct. 1. Replacing Schilling will be Cherie Johnson, a former MMI employee who has been executive director for...
State Police Announce “Citizen’s Academy”
Trooper Michael White of the Mt. Pleasant post is looking for residents 21 and older to participate in the first-ever state police “Citizen’s Academy.” Topics of instruction include an orientation to the state police,...
Adoptive Sons Of Former Teacher To Be Evaluated
The adoptive sons of a former Mt. Pleasant school teacher and his wife will get psychological evaluations after an agreement was struck in Isabella County Trial Court Tuesday. Jeremy Ruble is charged with one...
17 Year Old Faces Felony Charges In Warehouse Fire
17-year-old Mia Pamp of Mt. Pleasant is the only adult facing felony charges related to a downtown fire, but as many as four teens may face felony charges as well. Police arrested Pamp at...