Chris Pratt has come under fire for wearing a t-shirt depicting the Gadsden Flag, a historical flag with meaning that dates back to the American Revolution.

The flag, which was created by Brigadier General Christopher Gadsden of the Continental Army in 1775 features a coiled snake sitting on green grass of a yellow flag along with the words “Don’t Tread On Me” written across the bottom. The flag became a symbol of the American struggle for independence against Great Britain and has been used to express freedom and patriotism since.

The problem? The Gadsden flag has also been co-opted by some white supremacists in recent years – most notably in 2014 when the bodies of two dead police officers were draped with the Gadsden flag that also bore swastikas. It’s also been seen in the same company as confederate and Nazi flags.

People have taken to Twitter to voice their displeasure with his wardrobe choice…and so far, he’s not apologizing.