Home Hollywood Ronda Rousey injured Hollywood Ronda Rousey injured By Kyle Sandel - August 21, 2019 Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter Ronda Rousey was injured on the set of 911. She slammed her hand in a boat door in the middle of a scene. She was rushed to hospital and worked the next day. TRENDING NOW Child Abuse And Neglect Continues To Rise In Michigan April 23, 2019 Alma High School Girls’ Basketball Coach Fired April 22, 2024 DNR Issues Michigan High Fire Rating March 28, 2019 Ludington Schools Receive Bond For Elementary Upgrades May 9, 2019 Load more FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM VIDEOMy WorldAlton Brown is the Food Savior Your Fridge NeedsKyle Sandel - April 20, 20170HollywoodNetflix Announces May 2017 Additions and RemovalsKyle Sandel - April 20, 20170My WorldThis 5-Minute Long Domino Course is INSANE!Kyle Sandel - January 20, 20170TravelThis Stunning Mackinac Island Footage Will Help You Forget WinterKyle Sandel - January 3, 20170