Monday, March 3, 2025

Buck 92 and My1043’s Summer Swing

FORE!!! It's that time of year again to get out and golf with friends family on our beautiful golf courses in Michigan!  This year we are interviewing golf pros at local courses to let the...

District Final Football Friday Night…Joberg vs Beal City Friday Night!

The Irish and the Aggies…Several years ago these two teams would have matched up and only one could be  a district champion!  Now for the first time…In well I think it’s the first time...


Whether it was week one or week four; high school football happened last Friday and seems to have gone very well!  So let’s gear up for another week of high school football on 923WMMI...

HS Football week 4…or let’s do week 1!!! Shepherd hosts Clare!

It seems crazy to be writing about the high school football season opening up in the middle of September.  Each year it seemed football crept more and more into the summer and getting started...


#Senior night is something I cannot take credit for…I heard about it on ESPN radio then Scott Van Pelt featured it on SportsCenter…to honor those kids who aren’t going to be able to finish...


  Well if things change we will have more news her, however at this point the MHSAA has shut everything down for the health & Safety of everyone.  Visit for further details, thanks to...

Beal City Championship Football Saturday 1pm on WMMI!

Well after a couple great weeks of playoffs…There is nothing left in our area except two teams.  Sanford Meridian and the Beal City Aggies, as they compete for Regional Titles this coming weekend! Sanford Meridian...


  High School football is back and better than ever with Chris Spachman and Bret Hyble!  Join them all football season as we follow our teams from Mid Michigan to Ford Field!!! August 29th (Thurs) Beal...

Two Species of Wolves In Danger of Extinction

Wildlife officials warn the red wolf of North Carolina and Mexican gray wolves could be gone from the wild within a decade. Fewer than three dozen are in existence. Illegal killings and political resistance have undercut...

Playoff Scoreboard Podcast

Who is playing who and where…Here is all the local Mid Michigan High School football Match-ups in this week s High School Scoreboard Spotlight! Click The Link!