The Harvey Weinstein rape trial is set to resume today, following testimony from several prominent actresses this past week. As we told last week, actress Annabella Sciorra,  testified Thursday that Weinstein raped her in the early 90s.

And while Weinstein’s attorneys tried to pick her apart, she stood strong. And on Friday? She had backup, courtesy of actress Rosie Perez took the stand, backing up Sciorra’s account – saying that she got a phone call from the actress saying in part, “I think something bad happened to me.”

Sciorra also swore Perez to secrecy – and it was a secret she kept for years, but ultimately telling Nicole Wallace, former co-host of “The View.” “I betrayed my promise to her,” Perez tearfully noted. “To never tell anybody I knew.” Testimony is expected to resume today.

The statute of limitations in Sciorra’s case have expired. Weinstein faces rape charges regarding an alleged incident at his apartment in 2006, and inside a hotel room in 2013. Weinstein says that any of the sex he’s had was consensual.

Source: Page Six