The Bottom Line:

The Full Story:

Alex Trebek is opening up about the treatment for his stage four pancreatic cancer is going. He said that the pain has been so bad that he was on the floor writhing in pain between “Jeopardy!” takes.

“[The pain] went from a three to an 11. And I just couldn’t believe,” Alex said. “I didn’t know what was happening. And it happened three or four times a day while we were taping. So, that was a little rough on me.”

Another thing that’s been rough on the 78-year-old is wearing a hairpiece. “This is not the real me,” he told Jane Pauley for CBS Sunday Morning. “But on air I’m told that there were times when the hairpiece looked better than my real hair. So, we’ll see how people react to that. We have the summer months off. So hopefully my own hair will grow back. ‘Cause I like my own hair!”

You can see the interview on CBS Sunday Morning this Sunday.

Source: CBS Sunday Morning